
Welcome to the North Carolina Raleigh Mission alumni site! This site has been set up primarily to serve those that have returned from LDS missionary service in North Carolina, as a way to keep in touch with missionaries and church members that they knew in the mission field. This site is not an official site of the LDS Church or the North Carolina Raleigh Mission, but rather is a service to the those individuals that dedicated a significant portion of their lives to serving the Lord in North Carolina.
Alumni Reunion
Reunion information is posted as I become aware of it. Visit the reunions page for more detail.
What's New
- Mccarney , Eric (1993-1995)
(Alumni: New - Nov 13, 2024) - Condie, Russell (1986-1988)
(Alumni: Updated - Nov 13, 2024) - Duce, Tracy (1980-1982)
(Alumni: Updated - Nov 13, 2024) - Wood, Jon (1998-2000)
(Alumni: Updated - Jul 30, 2024) - Matthews, Amelia (2007-2007)
(Alumni: Updated - Jul 30, 2024) - Buchan, Claudette (Goldsboro Second Ward)
(Member: New - Jul 22, 2021)

Use social media to keep in touch with friends from the mission! The NCRM Alumni site allows you to list social networking sites, IM screen names, blogs, and personal web pages in your profile to help friends find you online. Also look for NCRM related groups on sites like Facebook to keep in touch with Raleigh Mission RMs.